Wednesday, August 15, 2007

QQ of the Day

Update: Thread deleted! Good job, CMs.

When all else fails, just make stuff up.

But check your math, LOL.


Silvenus said...

The level of Warlock hate these days is extremely high, and I'm guilty of it too.

Just pray that WotLK gets here quick, and that everyone starts hating on the Death Knights.

Derrick Crowe said...

Don't hate! LOL

My main complaint with most of the QQ'ers is that they charge into the Warlock forum and act like we designed the class and can really do anything about game balance as players. Wha...?

Death Knights will be a fun diversion for the forum trolls. I hope...

Silvenus said...

Yeah, there's trolls that do that with every class, but Warlocks are the easy target these days.

And I hate mostly out of ignorance - I have vowed to level up a Warlock, and the day is fast approaching. I just need to get beyond level 20... I find that's when most classes start picking up and become really fun.

Derrick Crowe said...

Beware...when you level up a lock you will learn a new hate...the hate of the