Friday, August 24, 2007

Fear is Fine, L2Play

Sorry, I'm writing about Fear today, and I couldn't help myself (see title).

Rantings of the Afflicted is the blog on an Affliction-spec lock who thinks Fear needs a nerf. I don't agree with him, but I'd be fine with most of his suggestions.

I posted a response, which I will throw in here because, well, I am a blatant self-promoter:
Eh, not bothered by Fear, and I wouldn't be bothered by switching it to pure cc. I play a Demo lock...most of my damage comes from burst damage and a pet. I use Fear as a CC anyway to keep healers out of the fight.

But...for affliction locks such as yourself, I think if the devs touch it, they will bust it and you will hate it more than you do now. :) Cynical? Yes.

The main problem with Fear is a problem of frustrating and perception, not game balance. Yes, it is horribly frustrating to lose control of your character. Mind Control is used less widely, but it is just as frustrating.

So if I were going to propose to nerf Fear (which I'm not) I'd propose taking it out completely and giving us a pally bubble. Same're doing damage to them while they aren't doing it to you, but they are still in control of their character and thus (somewhat) less frustrated.
Most of this comment is just me theorycrafting because I think Fear is fine and people are just frustrated when they have to sit and watch their character take damage. But rogue stunlocks are just as frustrating, and I take my hits like a grown-up.

What do you think?

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