Monday, August 20, 2007

5v5 Tonight!

Tonight is my 5v5's regular scheduled play time....although if you've been keeping up with our previous scheduled nights you know that this is more of a hypothetical than it should be. This week I've recruited an extra MS warrior, so if one doesn't show, it doesn't kill the team for the week.

This time I'll be focusing less on DPS and more on my CC. The games we tend to do well in are the games where I CoT/Fear/DC their tonight I will be all about controlling the opponent's healing rather than joining in on the fun burning the squishies down. I figure my standard opening will be:

1) Send felguard after primary target.
2) Target then focus the primary healer.
3) Focus-target the secondary healer or squishy DPS.
4) CoT and Fear focused healer repeatedly.
5) Keep focus CoT'ed and DoT'ed and nuked.

We'll see how this goes. Wish me luck. :)

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