Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Arena Knowledge

Learn! From Radikal Noise:
Armchair likes to put Azael's FG and Dahis (warrior, omg duh) on me the whole game; between Skillherald and the FG I end up taking a lot of damage and doing very little. I basically end up kiting out of LoS of the mage so I don't eat the shatter burst (between Intercept, Skillherald, FG intercept and novas, it's pretty annoying to not be a gnome) and poking out to decurse teammates and drop a poly or two. By taking me out of the fight, the game becomes a longer game and while our priest is more free to burn and harass, they have the mana efficiency advantage with a FG lock spamming mana drain the majority of the game. If I start to get more aggressive, they look to burst me down with a MD on Ice Block.

Pewp Machine plays against us very differently; they are much more damage oriented and really go for the early kill on our priest. Doing this also ensures that despite the lack of heroism, their priest can win the mana burn war as ours is unable to cast. Unlike Azael's constant fear and tongues spam, you see a lot more of PM's lock, Streygo, shadowbolting faces off. I seem to fall for the same, FG intercept->poly->psychic scream combo EVERY game.
From Jayno's Arena thread:
- I call this the felguard drain spec. I used it last season as a LOL-SPEC cos I always LoL at felguard locks. Then surprisingly I managed to get nearly 2100 2v2 lol. Since then I started liking the felguard.. a lot..
- Use felguard stuns defensively, use it to let your priest get some heals in or to save your own butt.
- Use deathcoil defensively if you have to.
- The main playstyle was to keep your pet on their healer, while continually mana draining their healer until they are oom. (If they dispel very fast, spam rank 1 corruption and drain manas, once he stops dispelling, go max rank. Either way he SHOULD oom first.)
- Have your priest help mana burn.
- Once their healer is OOM, trinket and blow ur hardest dots and kill 1 of em.


- I partnered with a Pally + Warrior and it works great. With this setting, always focus on their priest first, whatever spec it is. Kill them before you mass dispel your pally IF he ends up having to bubble.
- All 3v3 partners I mentioned before should be viable. The advantage of going with a warrior in this case is you don't need to worry about breaking sheeps or blinds from your Felguard's cleave.
- Remember, a felguard stun is a "lesser counterspell". It's a 30 sec CD instead of 24 sec, and always only lasts for 3 seconds. Positioning is very important as a felguard lock. Make sure you have that 8 yards to charge stun.


- One of the warlock's main strength is their versatility. Be sure to be versatile!
- When your team is getting hard pressed, e.g., healers yelling they got silenced, cc-ed, and any of your team mates are under 60% health, immediately fear every dps-er of your opponents team, and keep re-applying fear until your team is in the safe zone again.
- When none of the oponents are low, apply Curse of Weakness and reapply Curse of Tongues to soften them up. When someone is under 70%, do a double fear on their healers and follow up with a quick assist train.


Role Summary
- DoT the main assist target
- Curse of Tongue + intercept or silence + fear healers
- Fear DPS classes to relieve pressue off of your team
- Do bursty damage when your team is doing an assist trai
Good stuff. Hopefully I can use some of this over the weekend to help our team get our rating up into a respectable range.

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