Friday, August 10, 2007

Can't Raid

Until my wife is fully recovered, I have to stay out of raid groups. I tried one last night, but she had an attack and I had to afk with little warning to my group, and I was gone for hours. They rightly went on without me. Nothing for it. I should have just stayed out in the first place. Sorry guys. I'm despairing of ever getting any Kara loot, but some things are more important.

UPDATE: Thanks for the comments and your concern for her health. It's a bad, bad mix of asthma, allergies, and horrible air quality where we live. We've had a rough week of it...but hopefully a specialist we're going to see on Thursday will be able to help.


Silvenus said...

Wife's Health > Kara Loot

Just make sure she's OK - Kara loot may be epic, but a wife is legendary.

megan said...

Hope she recovers quickly!

Derrick Crowe said...

Thanks guys.

It's pretty scary. Someone you love not being able to breath...that is frightening.