It turns out that I just like villians.
Lex Luthor. Darth Vader. The Shredder. The good guys have heart, but the bad guys have style.
The WarCraft Universe is full of moral ambiguities, and the warlocks are the epitome, especially on the Alliance side. Yes we're fighting the Scourge, the Forsaken, the Horde, the Legion...but we gather under a rundown inn called The Slaughtered Lamb and summon demons and steal souls.
And we do it with style.
well put!
I think Mages come in second on the style meter behind Warlocks, unless they're Draenei Mages, then they're never cool.
HA! I think mages pretty much equal the locks regarding style (slowfall + a flaming sphere of fire at your face = panache), but they lack the sinister feel. :)
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