Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Safety Net for the Poor

Last night my usual partner was getting levels on an alt (grats Onmyoji!) so I needed some quick Arena points to stay on track. I bought a 3v3 charter and just grabbed...gulp...a PUG Arena team.

Much hilarity ensued.

Our lineup: a lock (me), a hunter, and a druid. I think I may have been the most experienced person on the team in Arenas, which is scary, but you'd never know it for how fast I dropped under focus fire (note the lack of healers). In the end, we went 2-8.

Funny notes: with our 1398 end rating (ouch!) we earned as many points for this week as my 2v2 team got for a 1508 rating the previous week. I now have more than 1,000 Arena points thanks to that little excursion, and I need to start making decisions as to what my first piece of gear will be. Also, our abysmal record is exactly equal to the first week Durthoo and I played 2v2 together. That's just sad LOL.

The team serves its purpose, though...a last resort when my regular team isn't available to grab points. It's more of a safety net.

Oh, and its name: Social Security. LOL.

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