Monday, July 16, 2007

Gruuling Raid Calendar (Hardy Har Har)

My guild is making its first Gruul's attempt tomorrow. This should be interesting. I better fix the macros LOL.

Looks like Megan is already all over it, though.


megan said...

As a Lock, you'll be on the High King's Ogre Lock add. He summons a Felpup which you'll have to enslave and then use to tank him with it. Stupid sob Deathcoils whatever's on him alot so we used 2 offtanks + the felpup to keep him from running around. Other than that, you'll be DPSing what everyone else is assisting.

As far as Gruul, it seems to be a straight DPS fight for Locks, except the positioning and spreading out of the raid is very important, which is something you'll have to work out with your raid. When he stuns and shatters, if you're close to too many other people, alot will bite the dust most likely.

Derrick Crowe said...

Thanks! You're on the link list to the right now, by the way.

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