Monday, July 16, 2007

Macros 1, Noobsauce 0

Most of the bugs with my UI setup have been worked out. Now I'm just having to tinker with my macros and keybindings a bit. Last night my pet was freaking out in the Arenas, which I thought was just due to the intercept being on auto, but now that I look at my keybindings in tandem with my macros, I see the problem, and I am very, very embarrassed (although our record was a respectable 6-4, and we've brought our arena team up out of the < 1500 sinkhole).

Bottom line: read your macros carefully, especially if you get them from other places, and then compare them carefully with your keybindings, noob!

PROBLEM: My focus Fear, focus Curse of Tongues, and focus Intercept macros were not working, or only working half of the time.

REASON: Spell keybindings and macro modifiers overlapping. Example:
  • Macro for focus Fear casts Fear on your target when you press "I"; casts Fear on your focus when you press "Shift + I".
  • Macro for pet special attack (Intercept, Seduce, etc.) bound to "Shift + I"

So again, I had to pretend my focus didn't exist and just tab-switch back and forth between targets. We lost the first few games because of this, I have no doubt.

Sorry, Durthoo!

But, we still pulled a winning night off, and this is easily fixed.

This is why I could never be a programmer...simple crap like this drives me crazy.

Don't lie. This is why you read my blog. You like seeing me screw up and it makes you feel better about the crap you've all pulled when trying new things. :)

So to help you wash off all the noobsauce you just got all over you by reading this post, here's the new Drakedog video:

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