Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Weekly Goal, Back on Track

Roughly halfway to the goal. Looks like easy cheese to get the honor points for the Sergeant's Heavy Cape by the end of the weekend, especially since its a PvP holiday for Alterac Valley....that will mean massive, massive honor points per game.

Spent an hour this morning in Warsong Gulch to try to get some quick honor. Allies 1, Horde 2. I got pwned repeatedly by a blood elf paladin pretty boy. /hellfiremyselftodeathnowplz

Things everyone (including me) need to learn about Warsong Gulch:

  • Stop fighting mid-field and go get the frakkin' flag.
  • Do not go to the center of the gulch and fight with the other side at the expense of capturing the flag.
  • Skip the large melee in the center and go retrieve the sheet on a pole that bears the opposing faction's insignia.

Thank you, that is all.

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