Monday, June 18, 2007


Again, the weekly goal is mine. Check out the gems I put in the sockets on my Armory profile...they're pretty sweet. Plus, as a nice bonus, I picked up a new wand. These items brought my hit points up to more than 10k and my +damage up to 674.

I had a great time this weekend playing WoW, although the WSG holiday made me want to shoot still get more honor per minute in an AV match. I never wanted to kill another Horde again after racking up 533 kills in one day. (Seed of Corruption + the narrow passes leading into the Stormpike Graveyard in Alterac Valley = win)

After grabbing the hood, it was off to work on my Karazhan key. To unlock Black Morass for later, I ran a PUG Old Hillsbrad that went fairly smoothly. Then I it was off to grab fragments 2 & 3 for my key.

After a terribad PUG in the Steam Vaults that fell apart before we downed the first boss, I just cut my losses and grabbled key fragment #2 in the water. Then, I jumped in with a fantastic PUG group and we cleared out Arcatraz. All that remains is to run Black Morass and get Medivh to activate my key and then....Karazhan!


Durthu said...

Grats D-wreck!! Hope the new BG gear does not make you too sad.

Derrick Crowe said...

Thanks lol.

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