Friday, June 15, 2007

Warsong Gulch PvP Holiday

I'm not sure what I think about this. I mean, I am maxed out already on my AV tokens. They get mailed to me now and expire in my inbox. And it seems like all the competent players have gone in for the WSG holiday, because Alliance is barely sliding by, full of turtles and AFK'ers, in AV the last two days.

The Warsong Gulch holiday means:
double reputation bonus for each flag captured on your team. The winning team will earn an additional 100 bonus honor (at level 60) for completing the match, in addition to the usual 20 bonus. The losing team will earn 60 bonus honor at the end of the match. Thus a 3-0 match will award a total of 240 bonus honor to the winners, and 60 honor to the losers during the holiday.
That doesn't stack up very well per game to Alterac Valley even on a non-AV-holiday weekend. But, WSG is faster that AV, so you have to just keep queuing up to get comparable honor. I don't know how this stacks up...I guess I'm about to find out lol.

9800 honor points on the way to the weekly goal. I'm more than halfway there..can I finish this tonight?!

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