As you might have noticed, I was offline for the first part of this week. My wife had to go to the emergency room because she was having trouble breathing.
She was in the emergency room for two days, during which she was admitted to the hospital on paper but never taken up to a bed. We had to sleep in very uncomfortable positions. She was poked and prodded and scanned to her limit.
Unfortunately we have no conclusive diagnosis, so she has to make appointments with specialists. She's doing better at the moment, though, and seeing her able to breathe at least a little easier makes me feel a lot better.
The day we got back from the hospital she decided to turn in a little early, and I sat next to her in bed with my laptop while she read for a while. I logged on and found 3 of my best 5v5'ers online. The MS warrior was missing, and a couple of our healers were in Karazhan raids, so we took the scary step of recruiting (gulp) and found another MS warrior and a shadow priest.
We tried to run skirmishes to practice, but queuing into incomplete teams. We log into Vent and find out that only two of us can talk, but everyone else can listen due to various technical problems with people's equipment.
Not a recipe for success, right?
Out of our first ten games, we won eight. I had our MS warrior call targets since he could speak on Vent, and we just laid into them. This team works very well together. In fact each member can make such a nuisance of themselves that I was only focus-fired down once, and for a lolguard lock, that is saying something.
Many games I was left completely alone, and in others I just sent in the felguard and spammed Curse of Tongues and Searing Pain.
By night's end, we had raised our rating 120 points to 1475.
This weekend I have no doubt will break 1500, and possibly 1600. I'll also get my last piece of honor armor (c'mon, you can't hold it against me that I didn't make my
weekly goal...hello?! Wife in hospital!!)
and my trinket AND my Arena legs.
Nothing can compare to the relief of seeing my wife recover somewhat from a very scary episode. Closing that laptop after recovering from
last week's debacle and turning over to see her sleeping soundly, though, was icing on the cake.