Monday, July 30, 2007

I've Been Bad

Okay, okay, feel free to post comments about what a jerk I am...but today some guild mates and I had fun at noobs' expense with creative use of the Ritual of Summoning.

First, we used the duel/fear-or-sheep bug in Ironforge to knock us down into Old Ironforge. Then we tried to summon people off the balconies into the open air over the lava. I KNOW! What a jackass, right?

But wait! There's more! Stay with me, our experiments have yielded important information for the 'lock knowledge base.

For one, we can confirm that the Blues did in fact fix open-air just summons right on top of you if you're standing on the ledge. Damn.

However! If one were to say...jump down into the lava at the bottom of Old Ironforge and MC-raider-style lava hop into a barely safe nook in the cave wall, one might discover that lava counts as solid ground for the purposes of Ritual of Summoning, meaning that if you and two mischievous guild mates stand in said nook an open a portal, it will open over the lava.

Hopefully I will have video later today. :) ROFLMAO!

If I get banned, you know what happened.

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