Monday, July 23, 2007

The Day is Mine

That's right, people...Veteran's Dreadweave Belt.

Ugh...honor grinds like that on an AB weekend make my head hurt.


Silvenus said...

Grats on your belt. I haven't done the honor grind since before BC, but I distinctly remember the frustration at being a few points short, or coming up with less honor than expected when it updated each week. Having to wait a whole other week FTL.

I have been tempted lately to get back into serious PvP, but I think I'm going to do it with a character other than my Paladin this time. :P

Derrick Crowe said...

Thanks! Honor grind on non-AV weeks FTL.

The new system updates honor points every morning at 4 a.m. server time. Much less frustrating.

I need three more pieces: Veteran's Dreadweave Cuff, Veteran's Dreadweave Stalkers, and the PVP trinket. After that, I am only pvp'ing bgs on AV weekend to stock up on points in case we get better loot again in Arena season 3.

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