Monday, August 27, 2007

Nerf Over Time

Well, get ready people...tomorrow comes the dreaded DoT/Resilience Nerf:
Resilience Rating: The reduction to the percent chance to get a critical strike now also reduces the damage dealt by damage over time effects by the same percentage.
My reaction:
I've posted on this at length in the past, so I won't bore you with my arguments against them (just trust me that I'm right), but all in all, I don't expect this to affect me much in the Arenas. My utility to the group is tied up in my abilities to:
  1. Draw focus fire in the initial barrage and rely on high Stamina and good healers to survive. The resilience change actually favors me in this role - less effective DoTs mean if I succeed in becoming the focus of attention, I will last longer.
  2. Disrupt the flow of the enemy's strategy through Curse of Tongues, Fear, Howl of Terror, and Death Coil. No change.
  3. Open up at the opportune moments with Searing Pain, Shadowbolt, and Shadowburn. No change - resilience already affects me here.
Sure, I spread the DoT love around like Old Freda, but again, they are used primarily to disrupt, to push the enemy healers to heal random targets instead of the focus fire target.

That's why you don't roll Affliction in the Arenas, people.


megan said...

Seriously. I think the last time I relied on just my DOTs to kill things was.. LVL10's when I didn't know any better (Shadowbolt takes too long! DOT + melee lawl).

Pure DOTgib teams take a slight hit, but really benefit more at high level play due to no armor swapping (if that also comes with the update tomorrow).

Derrick Crowe said...


In the stupid bridge arena, DoTs can help out a lot when people start weaving around pillars, but they don't put people down.

DoT + Melee! I think next time we have a team down 4-1 I will conjure a firestone and beat them down. :)