Thursday, November 8, 2007

Revised Revised Action Plan

Thanks to a reassuring reply on the boards, I have a much better, much more exciting plan for the start of Season 3.

We do not have to have a certain rating to buy shoulders and weapons from previous seasons, so I am in no danger of missing out on Season 2 shoulders. That means (and this makes me so happy) that instead of saving up for a hood and blowing the full current-season-point cost of a set of shoulders that would become old news, I can instead continue saving for my awesome horned hood that gives you periodic wings -- OMG -- with great stats, and pick up my shoulders at a reduced price a few weeks later.

And, I will also be able to replace -- with honor points!!! -- my Continuum Blade with the Season 1 Gladiator's Spellblade. I am very, very excited about the first day I'm back in town during Season 3.

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