Thursday, November 8, 2007

Newbie Guide to Farming Lower Level Instances, Part One

For those of you who have seen Hobbs's videos on how to farm shards in lower level instances, you know that paladins rock. You should also know, however, that we locks rock as well, and in addition to trade skills and daily quests, shard farming can earn you a lot of cash per hour in WoW.

There are some basic differences between a paladin or a mage and warlock mass-pull farming. Pallies want you to hit them and get inside their AoE aura. Mages want you to get close so they can freeze you to the ground or AoE you and your NPC buddies to death. But for a lock in a mass pull situation, having the mobs get close to you can be deadly. You'll learn this from ugly experience: low level mobs have spell interrupts and lockdowns that will get through your resistances and kill you if you don't have a parachute.

The key, then, is to get out your voidwalker and turn the autocast off of its Suffering ability. Suffering is an AoE, highly effective taunt effect. You must not use it until you are done gathering the mobs for your pull. Once you've got them all, you punch Suffering to make sure the mobs stay on the voidwalker, and then rapidly pepper 3-5 mobs with Seed of Corruption.

Timing is important, as slowness in casting the Seeds will cause them to pop out of synch, and you will either break the taunt or cause the mobs to run away in fear, and in a mass pull situation, if either of these happen, you are screwed in an instance.

Try it out. Let me know how it goes. Scarlet Monastery is a good place to practice.

1 comment:

Triff said...

Just watch out for that upper limit to how much aoe damage you can push out at once (I tried pulling the entire cathedral in one pull in SM cath and found to my dismay that because of the aoe damage cap 6 SoCs was not enough to wipe out the whole group!)