Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Durthoo, Onmyoji, Jrocks and I ran 2v2s last night and had a blast.

The most memorable match of the night (for me, anyway) ended with me and a rogue, one on one. My cooldowns were blown, my mana was low, and he was at roughly 75 percent life.

F***! My Felguard is dead!

He climbed right into the middle of me just as I dotted him up, and promptly threw at me every single spell interrupt / stun ability available to his horrible, horrible class, so it was stunlock vs. dots.

I blew Shadowburn, I pounded the Death Coil key but "THAT SPELL ISN'T READY YET."

The lifebars paced each other with eerie precision. 75 percent. 50 percent. 49 percent. 20 percent. 5 percent.


A freaking draw! We died at exactly the same time. No points, no plus-up to games played for the night, nothing! A ten-minute wait for naught.

But it was funny, and that's something.

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