Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend Wrapup

I had a blast this weekend. For the Overmind had a great run of games and my guild went on a rampage on Saturday. Good times.

Arena: For the Overmind has really come together. One of our two losses was a dumb mistake on my part (I dotted a sheep...I know, I know, I you ever have those moments when you just totally lose it and hit a button you know you shouldn't? ) and the other was just...brutal. The latter came on our last night of the game. It was a rogue/mage/heal combo, and they made us come to them in the graveyard map. Our mage got out ahead, our healer fell behind, and I was stunned then blasted by the mage and rogue. I popped everything I had (healthstone, trinket, the works) to no avail. Dead in about 6 seconds.

Takeaway: do not spread out if you are going to them, call for a polymorph if you need it, cc as much as possible when it comes to a super-dmg combo.

After our Gruul's raid fell apart due to lack of healers logged on (again) I called for some of our lowbies to come with me to SM for some powerlevelling. When we arrived in Southshore, we were met with about five members of Tarren Mill Deathguard. One of the lowbies logged in on his main, and we called for guild backup. The help was slow in coming, but this small skirmish eventually escalated into a bona fide old-school Hillsbrad throwdown. Most of our respective guilds showed up after I posted on the forum. Hilarity ensued. Highlights for me included catching about 8 of the Hordies in an Inferno stun and then summoning my very first Doomguard in the middle of Tarren Mill (Guess who was the sacrificial victim?! Soulstones FTW!).

The best moments came when our PvP team coincidentally showed up alone in the Southshore inn and held off huge numbers of Horde trying to take it. AoE's So much fun.

Well, eventually the Horde went away (aw!) and we found a huge number of us standing together in a field with nothing to do... we raided Undercity...

...and Silvermoon...

...and after I logged, they raided MC...

Best weekend of WoW ever. :) And to top it off, I farmed all the mats for my needed enchants and am just watching the clock until tomorrow morning for my arena chest piece.

Screenshots to come.


Keystone said...

You put a DoT on a sheep, how could you!?!? /cry

It happens man, heh. Just keep up the communication and switch targets. As a mage your friend's sheep target changes constantly throughout the game, so as long as he knows his sheep is DoT'd, then he can prepare for another target to CC. Mistakes happen, it's the communication after the mistake that is key.

I know how you feel though, it's like when a mage counter-spells a rogue... *whistles innocently*

Derrick Crowe said...

LOL I have a fantastic screenshot of our priest shouting in the little text bubble "I SILENCED THE WARRIOR"