Thursday, August 9, 2007


EDIT: There is stupid excessive violence in this cartoon clip, to the point of ridiculousness. Not even sure I recommend clicking it. But...Richard is our only real animated icon...


Silvenus said...

Saw this on Wowinsider yesterday - I was a casual fan of LFG for awhile, but left when it got stupid. Always did like the character of Richard, but I just didn't like this clip.

I have no problem with violence or gore, it was just excessive, and got boring after the first 30 seconds of him killing people without stop.

Derrick Crowe said...

You know...I kind of agree.

I thought it was over the top myself, and am actually considering taking it down...

Silvenus said...

Nah, don't take it down - I like that you added the edit though. Now people can click at their own risk! ;)