Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Grats Chris

Regular L2Lock commenter and WoW Addicts Anonymous blogger Chris has his first post up on WoW Insider. Grats, man!


Anonymous said...

Great blog! Thanks for the linkage. Im linking you up now. a

Derrick Crowe said...

Thanks man!

Silvenus said...

Thanks for the love!

I don't know if I've commented on it or not, but the place looks spiffier every time I come back here.

My only critique would be the scaly skin - it seems too large, perhaps try scaling it down to 75% or so of its current size and see how it looks. Maybe clone out parts of it if you want it to cover the same amount of area, but it needs... something.

Silvenus said...

Oh, and shoot me an email when you get a chance - address is at my blog.

Derrick Crowe said...

Chris: Thanks for the feedback on the site graphics...I will play around and see what it looks like.