I've done some reading over at Arena Blogger (excellent site...added to the linkroll yesterday) on the basics of team setups, and other bloggers have commented on this site as to their suggestions.
The plan is as follows:
- Recruit an MS warrior, a holy paladin, and a priest who can commit to playing at the scheduled time (see below) every week.
- Establish Saturday at 11 a.m. server time as our scheduled play time, with Thursday night at 8 p.m. as the backup time in case too many of our players can't make it
- Reorganize Social Security (my 3v3 team) as the farm team for testing out new team members. You are eligible for entry on the 5v5 only after we've seen what you can do in the 3v3 arena. The 3v3 also serves as insurance in the case of massive schedule conflicts that prevent the 5v5 from playing on a given week.
- Establish entry requirements: Must have at least 4 pieces of epic honor gear and at least one piece of current season Arena gear, or 2 pieces of last season's gear. The requirements will be adjusted as our rating and gear increases.
- And, most importantly, raise the money ASAP to buy out the other contributers to the charter fee so that I can make roster changes with a clear conscience.
Captain = headache.
1) Talk alot. I don't mean on vent specifically, but before and after every Arena session. Before every BG holiday (you should PVP with your teammates, nothing builds coordination and trust then holding off a zerg of 5+ at a single node with your team. After every Tuesday when servers come back up
Topics to talk about? What we are doing right, what we are doing wrong (or in some cases, what are other teams doing right against us and how can we make them do wrong). It's ok to lose a few matches because of mistakes or if the other team was superior. It's not ok (in my book) to keep losing because of the same mistakes, or keep losing to a team after you've found out what their tricks are (most teams depend on 1-2 specific tactics and fall apart if either of them fail).
2) Establish tough love. Arena, fundamentally, is no different from a 5man, a Heroic, or raiding. In those situations, everyone has a job to do, everyone has to pull their weight, everyone has to put the goals and success of the party/raid before individual glory. It's the same with Arena.
For every congratulatory comment I give out, I pair it with a criticism. For every harsh "wakeup" call I yell, I pair it with something encouraging. This keeps those who are humble, uplifted and praised, while at the same time those who are ego driven in check.
Good advice. As always.
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