Friday, December 21, 2007

Be the Love Generation....

Well, I made it. Arawn is dancing with the trolls.

Getting there was interesting. I had not completed the Noggenfogger Elixir quest, and I'm not an engineer to craft a parachute cloak. So I ran to Hinterlands and got the mushroom to complete the elixir quest and bought up a bazillion of them (the slow fall effect needed only procs rarely).

From there, it was a simple task of following directions:

I died once (once w/o a soulstone, that is) and had to make another run for it. I died the next time too, but had a soulstone handy and popped it.

Here are some photos from the trip:

Here you can see the terrain tile border between Winterspring and Felwood. The village is hidden in the terrain border regions.

The deep breath before the last plunge! Village in sight!


/whistle... hey explorers have to eat! Here fishy fishy...

Peace at last. /dance.

They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. — Isaiah 2:4 & Micah 4:3

Stay safe out there kids. Peace.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Death is the Only Adventure You Have Left"

Real life 1, WoW 0.

Well, more like real life 1, WoW 50 days /played.

I cannot continue to play WoW for the next few months. I have a political job, and this cycle is really starting to take over my time. I have an outside project going as well, and it is taking more and more of my free time. I am walking away for a while.

But not to go out without a bang, I am planning Arawn's last adventure: a ride to the dancing troll village for the final logout.

I will post about the preparations and, if I can get my Mac video capture working, film the descent to the village and my sign-off.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Difference One Piece of Good Gear Makes

One new piece of gear
Leads to +70 resilience
Leads to...

...29 HKs in Warsong Gulch, and 1 death.

Oh You Better Run Now, Scrubs

'Cause my shoulders are merciless...

Arawn's new clothes

For those keeping a close watch on my stats, that's 419 resilience.

Don't drool on the new lewtz kkthx.

UPDATE: New logo based on the above.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Yeah Megan, I Stole Your Cartoon. WHAT?!

funny warlock toon

Servers and 3s and 5s, Oh My!

Okay, so I really stretched for a clever title. Shut it.

A brief update: I am back from my trips and have my horned helm and my spellblade, and they are all enchanted and I'm just lacking a better red gem for the hat, which I will grab up tomorrow after I get some honor points tonight. (+12 spell damage, shiny!)

This week I joined a random 3v3 and a random 5v5. The 3v3 was fun since it was a 1400+ rated team and my Season 3 helm provoked a very silly flame from a rogue we toasted. He accused me of 'smurfing' and I don't even know what that means. If you see Sadnev on the Cyclone Battlegroup, wave at him for me. Wanker.

The 5v5 was actually surprisingly good. It was a new team with random pickup players, but we ground out a 7-4 record. We *should* have had an additional two victories, but the server crashed - twice - while we were mopping up scrub teams. And then, while sitting at a very respectable 7-3, we fell for the "just one more game" curse. Gets you every time.

Last night I ditched trying to out-DPS everyone and stuck to my role as the Prime Annoyance. Howl of Terrors, DoTs on everything, Felhunter on healers, etc. Worked well.

How were your games this week?